Heading up to NY to visit my sis for a bit so this will be my last Sketch of the Day for a li’l while. So, might as well make it a good one 😀 Here is a book cover illustration that I was pretty pleased with the end result, both the drawing and the type design.
July 2017
Been away from the computer for a couple days so here’s a quick update of all the doings…
First, I got a bee in my bonnet to draw Agent Orange, but couldn’t come up with a decent tag line, so I called my brother-in-law who is legit one of the funniest, quickest people I know. Here’s what we came up with:
Then Tuesday I posted a ton of process pics from a book cover I was working on (check them out, and give me a follow, on my Instagram), and here is the final piece:
And, finally, here is my piece for today– Another book cover, done in a more cartoony style:
Here’s another panel from the new Sarge Hook (re-inking and re-drawing panels from Dick’s Sarge Steel stories) strip for today’s Sketch of the Day!
…And finished! Today’s Sketch of the Day is the beginnings of a new character– Stay tuned!!!